Altruvest – BoardMatch®

“Volunteer Recruitment and Training” Grant

2000 2002

The success of any volunteer organization starts with having the right people in place, both on the front lines and in board positions. While these operations typically have well defined goals, guiding principles and well-intentioned, hard-working people, many fall short because their core people lack the specific skills required to truly succeed. It’s a common problem, one in which Altruvest Charitable Services saw an opportunity to help strengthen boards while growing its web-based professional development and on-line volunteer training efforts across Canada.

The Foundation awarded a grant to Altruvest to pilot its BoardMatch initiative, which promotes volunteer recruitment and training. BoardMatch provides charities with the means to effectively pair people interested in volunteering talents as a board member with a not-for-profit that requires a specific skill set. Recognizing how this model could help charitable organizations across the country, The Counselling Foundation of Canada threw its support behind this effort – a grant that the organization refers to as ‘structural support’, as it strengthens these not-for-profits from the inside out.

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