Funding Stories


Altruvest – BoardMatch®

"Volunteer Recruitment and Training" Grant 2000 – 2002 The success of any volunteer organization starts with having the right people ...

Ashoka Canada

"Changemakers Initiative: Inspiring Approaches to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning" Grant 2010-2013 The Counselling Foundation of Canada awarded a ...

Breakfast Club of Canada

"First Nations On-Reserve Student Food Internship Initiative" Grant 2017–2018 The aim of this initiative was to implement a student food ...

Canadian Art Foundation

"” Grant 2010-2012 The Counselling Foundation of Canada provided a two-year grant in 2010 to the Canadian Art Foundation (CAF) ...

Canadian Hearing Society

"Transitioning Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth to Employment" Grant 2009-2011 In 2009, The Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) received funding ...

Carleton University

"Indigenous Enriched Support Program" Grant 2014-2019 The Indigenous Enriched Support Program (IESP) supports the educational aspirations and success of Indigenous ...

CERIC’s National Challenge to Promote Career Development

“CERIC’s National Challenge to Promote Career Development: An Online Competition” Grant 2013-2014 The Counselling Foundation of Canada established the Canadian ...

Collège Saint-Maurice

"Supporting and Mentoring Northern Students for Success and Leadership" 2015 – 2017 The goal of this project was to transform traditional ...

Cultural Human Resources Council

“TAMYC for Aboriginal Artists” Grant 2014-2015 The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) was awarded a one-year grant in September 2014 ...

Dad Central/Papa Centrale Ontario

“Fortifying Father Involvement—A toolkit to increase capacity for communities to engage fathers” Grant 2013-2015 Dad Central/Papa Central Ontario (DCO) was ...

Dechinta Initiatives

"Supporting and Mentoring Northern Students for Success and Leadership" 2016 – 2018 The initial intention of this grant was to support ...


"Tailoring for Success" Grant 2017–2019 The goal of "Tailoring for Success" (Since renamed Sewing for Jobs) was to improve access ...

Environics Institute

“Canada’s Millennial Generation Social Values Study” 2015-2017 The Environics Institute for Survey Research reveals a bold portrait of Canada’s Millennials ...

Eva’s Initiatives

"One-To-One Peer Mentorship" Grant 2004–2007 Giving people the confidence and ability to stand on their own two feet is a ...


"Urban Farming and Local Food Careers Program" Grant 2014-2016 In 2014, the Foundation funded Everdale to work on three goals: ...

Everdale 2

"Farm Planner Manual" 2018 – 2020 Everdale developed the first versions of The Farm Planner course in 2008 and has ...

Family Services Association – Toronto and Ottawa

"Training" Grant 2004 – 2007 In the interests of providing the appropriate supports to the communities they serve, some social ...

FCJ Refugee Centre

“Immigrant and Refugee Youth Mentoring Project” Grant 2012-2013 FCJ Refugee Centre, a Toronto-based community agency serving refugees and others at ...

First Three Years – Make the Connection

"Pilot Program" Grant 2004 – 2005 Nurturing a healthy child during infancy and the toddler years are absolutely vital stages ...

FoodShare Toronto

"Pathways to Youth Employment Program" Grant 2010-2012 FoodShare Toronto received a two-year grant in 2010 from The Counselling Foundation of ...


“Platformation Program” Grant 2011-2013 Framework received a three-year grant in March, 2011 to develop its Platformation program.  Framework, a registered ...

Furniture Bank

“Skills Training and Job Placement Program” Grant Phase I 2011-2014 Phase II 2013-2015 Toronto’s Furniture Bank was awarded a three-year ...

Futureworx Society

“Employability Skills Assessment Tool” Grant Phase I 2012-2013 Phase II 2013-2014 Futureworx Society was awarded a grant in May, 2012 ...

Geneva Centre for Autism

“Student Internships for Trades Exploration (SITE)” Phase I & II 2014-2015 Vocational programs offered to young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) typically focus on training ...

Hospitality Workers Training Centre

"A Workforce Intermediary Business Model" 2016 – 2018 The objective of this project was to standardize and mainstream the participation of career ...

Hospitality Workers Training Centre 2

"ReSET Retention Skills Enhancement Tool" 2019 – 2022 The purpose of this project is to help address serious workforce retention ...

International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD)

"Child Protection in Development Phase I and Phase II" 2013 – 2017 Phase I (2013–2015) The Child Protection in Development program helped ...


"Connecting New Immigrants to Employment" 2016 – 2017 This project aimed to provide increased opportunities for the inclusion and participation of ...

Mennonite New Life Centre

"Mentoring Internationally Trained Counsellors" Grant 2009-2011 The Counselling Foundation of Canada provided a multi-year grant to The Mennonite New Life ...

New Circles Community Services

"Foundations in Retail and Customer Service Skills" 2016 – 2021 The Foundation provided two grants to New Circles to develop ...

Ontario Association of Youth Employment Centres/First Work

"Cross Canada Dialogues" Grant 2008-2011 First Work, a not-for profit organization that supports and advocates for a sustainable youth employment ...

Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)

"Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB) " 2014 – 2024 By tackling multiple barriers to education and employment success, the Urban ...

Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE)

"World of Choices and Company Program" 2020 – 2022 ONFE’s Career Readiness programs help students discover career paths that were ...

People for Education

"Measuring What Matters" 2014 – 2017 The goal of the project was to create a broader set of goals and measures ...

People for Education 2

"Measuring What Matters 2: Enhancing Support for Broad Competencies in Education" 2017 – 2020 The goal of this work was ...

Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest (Concours québécois en entrepreneuriat)

"Communications" Grant 2008 – 2009 Despite the risks, long hours, hard work and uncertainty that is part and parcel of ...

Read to Me!

"Healthy Child Development" Grant 2004 – 2008 There is no underestimating the impact of literacy upon young minds. For infants ...

Returning to Spirit

"Train-the-Trainer" Grant 2007–2008 Over the past 20 years, Canadians have become more familiar with the dark legacy of Canada’s residential ...

St. Francis Xavier University

"Peer Mentorship Program" Grant 2010-2013 St. Francis Xavier University was awarded a three-year grant in 2010 by the Board of ...

Supporting Our Youth (SOY)

"Youth Mentorship" Grant 2001 – 2004 For lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and transgendered youth, the struggles of identity and acceptance ...

The Pathways to Education Program

"Community Succession Plan" Grants 1999–2005 (Regent Park Health Center) 2006–2008 (Pathways Canada) Make a goal of breaking the cycle of ...

Toronto Metropolitan University

"Tri-mentoring Program" Grant 2000–2004 The Tri-Mentoring Program (TMP) strives to assist Ryerson's (Now known as Toronto Metropolitan University) culturally diverse ...

Université Laval

“Webfolio” Grant 2012-2015 The Service de placement de l’Université Laval (SPLA) was awarded a three-year grant in December, 2012 to ...

University of Toronto

“Working with Families Workbook Digitization” Grant 2012 The Foundation provided a grant to The University of Toronto, Department of Family ...

University of Victoria

“Walking in Two Worlds for Indigenous Communities Counsellors in Training” 2013-2016 A'tola'nw “A time of hope and respecting one another” ...

Upper Canada College – Horizons

"Tutoring and Mentoring" Grant 2000 – 2004 There is an emerging trend among schools these days to promote a culture ...

Vancouver Island University

“Aboriginal Mentorship Program—Community Cousins” Grant 2011-2014 The Foundation awarded Vancouver Island University (VIU) a three-year grant in May, 2011 to ...

Visions of Science Network for Learning

"STEM Leaders Career Development Initiative" 2019 – 2022 The STEM Community Leaders (SCL) program was established in 2017 with inaugural ...

Water First

"Water First Internship Program" 2020 – 2022 The Water First Internship is an 15-month training program providing water treatment technical ...

Windmill Microlending

"Organizational Capacity Building: Managing growth, navigating change" 2018 – 2020 Empowering immigrants and refugees to achieve economic prosperity through microloans ...

WoodGreen Community Services’ Homeward Bound

"One-To-One Peer Mentorship" Grant 2004 – 2007 WoodGreen Community Services’ Homeward Bound is a four-year program that enables mothers and ...

York University

"Asperger and ASD Mentorship Program" 2013 – 2017 The project provided an evidence-based mentoring model for students with ASDs that can ...

Youth Fusion

"Countering dropout rates: Moving forward with the alumni program" Grant 2017–2020 Youth Fusion (YF) developed and implemented a robust program ...

YWCA Muskoka – EmployABILITIES Program

"Infrastructure Expansion" Grant 2005 – 2008 As one of the youngest YWCAs in Canada, Muskoka’s chapter is also proving to ...