CERIC & its Programs

The ever-evolving face of The Counselling Foundation of Canada is perhaps best represented in the establishment in 2001 of CERIC, a charitable organization that advances education and research in career counselling and career development. The Foundation’s ongoing support allows CERIC to promote the creation of career counselling-related research and professional development for a cross-sectoral community through funding project partnerships, including the development of a number of books, webinars, and videos.

CERIC is governed by a pan-Canadian volunteer Board of Directors reflecting a broad spectrum of representation in the field of career counselling and career development. In addition to its Board, CERIC has three volunteer advisory committees (Practical & Academic Research; Content & Learning; Marketing, Communications & Web Services) that help to provide advice and direction to both the Board and staff.

Through its funding of CERIC, the Foundation has been able to expand its role and advance its mandate in nurturing career counselling among professionals by presenting a number of strategic programs, including:

Cannexus is a National Career Development Conference designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development.


CareerWise is an online hub of career development news and views. There, you can also subscribe to CareerWise Weekly, a weekly roundup providing career resources, learning, and networking for practitioners delivered to your inbox.


The Canadian Journal of Career Development is an academic journal that has been developed in partnership with Memorial University, publishing the latest in career development theory, as well as best practices.


The Graduate Student Engagement Program (GSEP) encourages the engagement of Canada’s full-time graduate students whose academic focus is in career development and/or related fields.


In addition to the offerings above, CERIC has and continues to produce and support the development of a number of resources and publications.