Commitment to Reconciliation

Adding its voice to the call for stronger, positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, The Counselling Foundation of Canada is one of the signatories to The Philanthropic Community’s Declaration of Action. The Declaration was first issued in June of 2015 and coincided with the closing events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). The TRC, headed by Justice Murray Sinclair, spent six years hearing the truth about Canada’s Indian Residential Schools and establishing a reconciliation process that will lead to better relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Canada.

The Declaration is a call to action inviting those in the philanthropic community to join in moving forward in an atmosphere of understanding, dignity and respect towards the shared goal of reconciliation. As noted in the Declaration,

Aboriginal peoples in Canada have contributed much, often willingly and freely, but too often without consent or choice. Yet they have persevered, demonstrated strength and resilience, and held faith that a better relationship is possible.

It falls on all people living in Canada to continue the hard work of healing and reconciliation, each in our own way and where possible, together, in our families and communities, in the organizations we work with and belong to, and as a nation. This is an important calling to which all of us are duty bound to respond

We are committed to supporting the fulfillment of the vision of Aboriginal peoples, to building a fairer and more just country, and to the recommendations that will be outlined by the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We will work, each in our own way, and together, towards achieving the goal of reconciliation and, in the end, a much stronger, more inclusive Canada.

We invite you to visit the website of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada to explore what it has accomplished and, most importantly, how you can support the healing and reconciliation work that will strengthen our nation.

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