Mennonite New Life Centre

“Mentoring Internationally Trained Counsellors” Grant


The Counselling Foundation of Canada provided a multi-year grant to The Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto (MNLCT) in April, 2009 to support its Mentoring Internationally Trained Counsellors program. The MNLCT sought this funding, in part, to promote the dissemination and replication of an existing model for mentoring internationally trained counsellors. The end goal is to increase the number of practicing counselling professionals with language and cultural proficiency to effectively serve newcomers to Ontario.

The grant led to the creation of “Mentoring Internationally Trained Psychologists: Manual and Discussion Guide”. This 43-page tool includes a preface (The Mentoring Experience), five thematic chapters (Introduction, Group Mentoring, Mentoring Issues, Mental Health Work in Settlement Agencies and the Field of Mental Health) as well as an Appendix with resources such as sample forms and report templates to be used by counselling professionals. The “Mentoring Internationally Trained Psychologists: Manual & Discussion Guide” is a component of MNLCT’s Bridge Training Program for Internationally Trained Psychologists and Allied Mental Health Professionals (BTMH) which is funded by the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada.

The BTMH was developed in collaboration with community-based mental health and settlement organizations. This pioneering bridging program is designed specifically for internationally trained mental health professionals. Combining classroom instruction, supervised work experience, and job search support, this comprehensive program helps internationally trained professionals build the confidence and skills necessary for successful integration into the Canadian mental health workforce.

Please visit The Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto website for further information about its innovative Bridge Training Program for Internationally Trained Psychologists and Allied Mental Health Professionals and to download a copy of the “Mentoring Internationally Trained Psychologists: Manual and Discussion Guide”.