Toronto Metropolitan University

“Tri-mentoring Program” Grant


The Tri-Mentoring Program (TMP) strives to assist Ryerson’s (Now known as Toronto Metropolitan University) culturally diverse student body in their pursuit of personal goals, academic achievements and career success. The Tri-Mentoring Program aims to assist students at all levels of study in successful achievement of their goals.

Through meaningful relationships with fellow students, industry professionals and the community at large, Tri-Mentoring supports the unique needs of Ryerson’s culturally diverse student body. All participants benefit from the opportunities to grow as students and individuals through guidance, communication, leadership and a supportive community.




Year One

  • First year student is paired with a trained Student Mentor in their upper year to help facilitate the orientation and cultural transition into university life.
  • Students can request to be matched culturally, linguistically, by academic program or faculty.

Year Two and Three

  • Second and Third year students are eligible to become Student Mentors to first year Student Mentors and have the opportunity to also enroll in the Leadership Program.

Year Three and Four

  • Third and Fourth (graduating) year students are given the opportunity to become a Mentor again by being paired with a Career Industry Mentor who share their expertise and experience in specific industries. They would also continue to mentor a first year Student Mentor.

To receive a professional mentor in the career industry of the student’s choosing, each student in turn agrees to mentor a first year student (mentee). This sort of arrangement helps bolster the support structure within the school and cultivate a sense of giving back that today is being ingrained with volunteerism.

The Counselling Foundation of Canada was involved in the initial launch of the Tri-Mentoring program in 2001 at several universities across the country. What set Ryerson’s program apart was that it reached outside the university to individuals and communities (specifically racialized groups, immigrants and first generation students) that have been traditionally under represented in post-secondary education, and encouraged them to aim higher in their career and educational aspirations. During the pilot phase, the program more than doubled its predicted participation level.

With a significant cross-section of immigrant students enrolling at Ryerson, the program helps not only with academic tutoring, but also assists students with personal goals and career aspirations. It brings together students, industry professionals and the surroundingcommunity to help students achieve their goals. The program has been such a success that the University continues to promote the initiative at national and international conferences, and is finding definite interest at other universities.

Ryerson University is pleased to provide copies of its program How-To-Manual. Please visit the Manuals & Guides section of our website to find out how to access this comprehensive resources.