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Collège Saint-Maurice

“Supporting and Mentoring Northern Students for Success and Leadership” 2015 – 2017 The goal of this project was to transform traditional ways of doing career training by challenging students in experiential activities and...

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Dechinta Initiatives

“Supporting and Mentoring Northern Students for Success and Leadership” 2016 – 2018 The initial intention of this grant was to support and mentor northern students for success and leadership, specifically through engagement with the...

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York University

“Asperger and ASD Mentorship Program” 2013 – 2017 The project provided an evidence-based mentoring model for students with ASDs that can be replicated in most post-secondary universities/colleges. Successful methodologies and tools...

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People for Education

“Measuring What Matters” 2014 – 2017 The goal of the project was to create a broader set of goals and measures of success for kindergarten to grade 12 education in Ontario that would encourage the development of the policy...

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Altruvest – BoardMatch®

“Volunteer Recruitment and Training” Grant 2000 – 2002 The success of any volunteer organization starts with having the right people in place, both on the front lines and in board positions. While these operations typically have well...

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